Thousands Upon Thousands
By Crystal Shields, Prayer Warrior Coordinator for Revelation Watchers and Leader of the Esther Call Prayer Team
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The Voice of God in The Storm!
Psalms 29:1-11: Ascribe to the Lord, O sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty and majesty of His holiness [as the creator and source of holiness]. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; The God of glory thunders; The Lord is over many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; Yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, And Sirion (Mount Hermon) like a young, wild ox. The voice of the Lord rakes flames of fire (lightning). The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord makes the doe labor and give birth and strips the forests bare; And in His temple all are saying, “Glory!” The Lord sat as King at the flood; Yes, the Lord sits as King forever. The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.
I had this dream on the night of October 16, 2019 and woke up at 4 a.m. to record what happened. After I did that, I prayed and listened for the Lord to reveal the interpretation of this dream. I needed to hear His voice clearly because I knew that He didn't give me the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. I was so overwhelmed with emotion as the presence of God was in the dream and when I woke it lingered heavily.
As believers we are learning that Jesus Christ could return at any moment. Prophecy is manifesting off the pages of the Bible and into our midst by the day and hour. This is certainly an area of refining fire that convicts our hearts in a way that is holy and clean. We see wars, rumors of wars, nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom (Mathew 24).
We want to be in good standing in our relationship with Him, communicating with Him in prayer and praise. We can all relate to the conviction of the Holy Spirit when we feel the heat spiritually. God’s Word teaches to bind His word upon our hearts always (Proverbs 6:21). Father God even says in Proverbs 3:3-4 to bind them around your neck! Proverbs 7:2 says that we must keep them as the apple of our eye, as He calls us the apple of His eye. Moving on to verse 3 in Proverbs 7, it points to binding them to your fingers and writing them on the tablet of our hearts.
Psalms 68:15-17: A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan; A [high] mountain of many summits is Mount Bashan [rising east of the Jordan]. Why do you look with envy, mountains with many peaks, At the mountain [of the city of Zion] which God has desired for His dwelling place? Yes, the Lord will dwell there forever. The chariots of God are myriads, thousands upon thousands; The Lord is among them as He was at Sinai, in holiness.
The Lord’s People Prepare for Battle
In this dream I found myself delivering messages to those that were assembling in the streets. I don't recall what the messages were, I just know they needed the information. All the people there were in different groups of people, different ethnicities, languages and ages. They were all being unified but were in units like armies, like small groups. They were being gathered and I could see them assembling into bigger groups. They were also wearing military type uniforms, and all were marching. I realized what I was seeing were the Lord's people getting ready for battle.
They were joyful, smiling, looking strong and courageous. Up to this point I was watching and observing from the same view as they marched through the streets. It was almost like seeing troops in the streets when you see old documentaries of people going to war. The streets looked like they were in America, yet the people were of various backgrounds, speaking their native tongues, as they marched on together.
I found myself looking from a different viewpoint now. I looked around from my perspective and I could see people in uniform, in the trenches. Someone was typing on a typewriter recording everything. Others were holding old bag phones, while others were hurrying about, passing messages between everyone that was in this trench. They were communicating with people all over, outside of the trenches too. It was like an underground command center and all the bag phones were in use. Everyone was doing their part and on alert. For some reason I was in the center of it all. I didn’t understand my role as I was observing all this. I asked God, "Why am I here? What is happening Lord?"
‘Thousands Upon Thousands’
Interestingly I could still see the troops above marching from where I was. It was amazing, like I could see all these movements above and below. I just needed understanding. One of the soldiers bent down to shake my hand and smiled at me. One after one, soldiers reached down to me to shake my hand, yet they kept marching without stopping. I could discern a supernatural flow in all this. More and more people were shaking my hand, smiling and then some of the soldiers began to shout "She is a newspaper, she is a newspaper!” They were marching in the same direction, bending down, smiling and I was discerning that they were being mobilized as their pace had picked up. Their mission was unified and it was big. I began to discern I was part of this mission too.
I still wasn’t understanding why people were calling me a newspaper so I looked down at my clothes. I was surprised to see my hat, shirt, pants and even my shoes looked like a material for clothing but it was newspaper print. All the news information written all over me. My clothes were the news. Now these soldiers were all together, in lines like a battalion. Rows and rows of soldiers kept coming. I heard “Thousands upon thousand” in my spirit. I do have to say I was very enthusiastic for what was next and I was not thinking about the effects of war. They were all heading in the same direction and noticed I was the only one dressed in newspaper clothes.
Revelation 5:11-14: Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and [the voice] of the living creatures and the elders; and they numbered myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands (innumerable), saying in a loud voice, “Worthy and deserving is the Lamb that was sacrificed to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.” And I heard every created thing that is in heaven or on earth or under the earth [in Hades, the realm of the dead] or on the sea, and everything that is in them, saying [together], “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb (Christ), be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.” And the four living creatures kept saying, “Amen.” And the elders fell down and worshiped [Him who lives forever and ever].
‘Is that You Lord?’
I discerned a spiritual shift and a heaviness. I called out to God, "Is that you Lord?" Then everything went dark and I didn't know what was happening physically. All I had to go on was my spiritual senses because I couldn’t see my hand in front of me. I felt exposed to those who were accusing me of stealing or manipulating my job position. I could hear their voices. It was heartbreaking to hear the words because I still wasn’t sure what “position” they were talking about.
Also I wasn't there to be in charge. Jesus is the Commander in Chief, He is the head of the body and I was in the same position as them, a servant of God. Still it was dark yet I knew what was happening. Then I felt such a gentle and kind spirit. It grew stronger and stronger. I knew that it was Jesus. I felt His presence like that before! I asked God to help them and then all of a sudden I felt someone gently draw a little dot on my pointer/index finger with a pen. It tickled as I wondered what that meant or what it was for. His gentle voice whispered in my ear. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life. I cannot explain how my whole body was affected by His voice. It was like a presence that entered into my heart, yet I could feel the weight of His glory at the same time as well as a guiding presence. I felt whole and full of peace.
Psalms 34:7: The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him [with awe-inspired reverence and worship Him with obedience], And He rescues [each of] them.
The Lord of Hosts (Armies): ‘Hello There.’
I began to cry because I knew without a doubt that Jesus Christ was revealing something special to me. He simply said "Hello there.” It was so loving, so wonderful, so emotional. I immediately woke from the dream, tears in my eyes and got up and began to write it down. As I was recording the dream, the weight of God’s glory continued to fall, just like in the dream.
I was crying so hard I couldn't see to write. I began to speak it in tongues and praise Him. It was one of those moments where I didn’t want it to end. His words just flowed as I felt seen, heard and known by Him. It is something that I will never forget and it was so healing. I didn’t deserve such grace. I didn’t earn it and it didn't make me special. At the time I could receive the healing virtue of the encounter. As time went on, God revealed more and more of what this meant for me and beyond that, for others too.
I am very glad that the Holy Spirit helped me to grow and mature through it. You see, we can receive personal interpretation for our own walk. Do you think for one minute that this is only for me? I received much needed healing, but what God gives freely, I must give freely for His glory — the healing encouragement from the Lord of Hosts (armies)!
Taking myself out of the equation, the Holy Spirit led me to scriptures to give hope and understanding. My hope today is that you're encouraged that God chose you. You’re His beloved. You are the apple of His eye. Yes, every son and daughter has been blessed and called to a purpose greater than themselves. We didn't make ourselves, we can't redeem ourselves and we certainly can’t save ourselves.
Without Jesus, I have nothing and I know you understand that because you know it is true. My life has wrinkles and spots like the rest of us. God is no respecter of persons, we all fall short of God's glory. This message is for all of us and I am only one of many members of Christ’s body and only one soldier in his army. God has set so many things in motion for us. He has established much for us throughout His word.
Genesis 24:60: They blessed Rebekah and said to her, “May you, our sister, Become [the mother of] thousands of ten thousands, And may your descendants possess (conquer) The [city] gate of those who hate them.”
The Finger of God
Interesting to consider and visualize as we learn that in Exodus 8:19 the finger of God is referenced here during a time of plagues. The Pharaoh's heart was hardened to the Word of God and he would not listen. We know how that ended, Pharaoh and his armies were swallowed up by the seas strategically!
Then we see in Exodus 31:18 the finger of God is identified as the authority of the written Word of God on tablets of stone. Interestingly we see hearts, fingers, the Word of God several times here again. What about the New Testament?
Luke 11:20 points to Christ’s healing touch to drive out the kingdom of darkness. Wow, thank you Jesus for showing me this scripture because of the dream! This divine intervention and manifestation of His will to deliver us is powerful. Just like the demonstration of his supernatural power to cut a covenant, vowing to keep us with that same finger.
John 8:6-8 shows how Jesus did just that to the woman who was being accused! Yes, I know, they broke the laws and Moses broke the tablets in half. But Jesus taught that the person without sin, let him cast the first stone. It shows that Christ's return will be prosperous in the area of all the things we mentioned in Scripture today. His return signifies the power, might and authority of God through Christ Jesus to the world. I shared all this because as we navigate through this dream, the Word interprets itself. By this rock of revelation, God builds His church. As we follow Jesus Christ, He is building trust with us and wants us to obey and hear Him by faith. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and that is a life planted by the river of life! Revelation light, shine right through us, in Jesus' name! (Ephesian 1:7)
All of this points us to our savior Christ Jesus. No matter where we are in our walk, or how long we have been born again, or even how long we have been serving in the body of Christ. This place of being heart to heart, face to face with the Word ( with Jesus) is a place of healing, restoration and freedom. That is your identity beloved!
Prayer of Trust in the Lord to Strike Your Enemies on The Cheek Removing the Threat!
Psalms 3:1-8: O Lord, how my enemies have increased! Many are rising up against me. Many are saying of me, “There is no help [no salvation] for him in God.” Selah. But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory [and my honor], and the One who lifts my head. With my voice I was crying to the Lord, And He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah. I lay down and slept [safely]; awakened, for the Lord sustains me. I will not be intimidated or afraid of the ten thousands Who have set themselves against me all around. Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheek; You have shattered the teeth of the wicked. Salvation belongs to the Lord; May Your blessing be upon Your people. Selah.
After praying for clarity this is what He led me to know:
"‘Do not fear man and hide the truth of my Word. Speak it forth and bring it into the light! Prepare for battle and know that you are not alone,’ thus saith the Lord of Hosts.”
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Revelation 911: Q & A with Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson
The soldiers are you and me. The Saints Go Marching In! Hallelujah! This newspaper, the announcement of the national news is timely. Matter of fact, it’s the narrative across the nation right now. That is why I am sharing it now. We are in a period of preparation for the Passover season on April 22-30. I believe in my spirit that it will require us as the Lord’s elect, to be prepared physically, emotionally and spiritually to take our place in God’s army. As we remember things that happened during the times of Egypt concerning God's people. We can't hide the truth that the parallels are strikingly similar on many different levels. He is speaking to each and every one of His children right now, calling us by name! The Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Armies always fulfills His purpose, even when the earthen vessels, armies fail. He always saves a remnant of His people!
Prayer for Israel, the apple of God’s eye. Comfort her. Pray for those grafted into her commonwealth through Christ Jesus. Pray for the truth of God’s Word be written on our hearts, yoked around our necks and bound to our fingers. May the Word of God be the apple of your eye as you are the apple of God’s eye! May His word be the fruit of our lips!
The Lord the Keeper of Israel
Psalms 121:1-8: I will lift up my eyes to the hills [of Jerusalem]—From where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel Will neither slumber [briefly] nor sleep [soundly]. The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your life. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in [everything that you do] From this time forth and forever.
Crystal Shields, nestled in Missouri's Ozarks, radiates a profound love for Christ, driven by her innate gifts and talents. Through her roles as creator of two websites and leader of a vibrant Facebook community, she adeptly shares personal testimonies, prophetic insights, and collaborative prayers, guided by her God-given abilities. Ordained under Pastor Paul Begley, Crystal serves as Prayer Warrior Coordinator, infusing hope, healing, and faith into believers globally. Her passion for missions, prophetic teaching, and worship stems from a deep-seated belief in her divine mission to illuminate God's Kingdom through signs, wonders, and miracles. With an unwavering commitment to uplift and empower fellow saints, Crystal encourages them to embrace their gifts, overcome challenges, and walk victoriously in Christ Jesus.
As Pastor Paul Begley suggests, secure 5 copies of Revelation 911 by he and Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and Revelation Watchers co-founder Troy Anderson. Reserve one for yourself—the cherished first edition. Generously distribute the remaining four to your family, your parents, brothers, sisters, children, good friends, and church. Keep in mind, once shared, they may not return, so you want to get 5 copies. Join us in spreading the message and inviting more Christ followers into God's Kingdom.
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📚 Sneak a peek into the upcoming mind-bender, Revelation 911, by Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson, co-founders of Revelation Watchers. We're connecting the dots between global shake-ups, political alliances, and the unfolding biblical saga. Pre-order now! Revelation 911, already a #1 “Best Seller” and #1 “Hot New Release” on Amazon, is set to release on March 26, 2024, unlocking the secrets of our world through the lens of ancient scriptures.
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Discover Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson’s dynamic book series, including their latest, Your Mission in God's Army, as well as the first two books in the series, the #1 Chosen Books bestsellers The Military Guide to Armageddon and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception, and equip yourself for service in God’s end-times army of warriors helping bring in the “Great Harvest Revival.” Join the mission, seize the calling – your destiny awaits! 📚🌟 #YourMissionInGodsArmy, #OrderNow
Get ready for a transformative journey of faith with Your Mission in God's Army. Discover and fulfill your unique purpose before Christ's return in this powerful paperback, releasing on April 16 from Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group. Pre-order now and equip yourself with the spiritual tools needed to become a victorious soldier in God's plan for the world.
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A Prayer for “Thousands Upon Thousands “
Heavenly Father,
As we delve into the depths of Revelation through the insights shared in Crystal Shield's prophetic newsletter, 'Thousands Upon Thousands,' we humbly seek Your divine guidance and illumination. May Your wisdom shine through each word, opening our hearts and minds to the profound truths contained within. Grant us clarity, discernment, and a deeper understanding of Your divine plan as we journey through these revelations. Bless the readers with spiritual insight and enlightenment, drawing them closer to Your eternal truths.
In Jesus’ holy name, we pray. Amen.
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