Breaking: "The Planet Has Tilted 150 Miles North" / BP EarthWatch / Paul Begley
By Revelation Watchers. 🔔 Revelation Watchers Special Alert! 🔔Last night’s Sunday Night Live was an unforgettable broadcast! Pastor Paul Begley was joined by BP Earthwatch to discuss breaking news that could change everything: the Earth has physically tilted 150 miles! This shocking report, confirmed by meteorologists in France, is raising alarms across the globe. BP Earthwatch broke it all down, explaining the implications of this shift and how it aligns with biblical prophecy in Isaiah 24.
Breaking: "The Planet Has Tilted 150 Miles North" / BP EarthWatch / Paul Begley
Breaking: "The Planet Has Tilted 150 Miles…
Breaking: "The Planet Has Tilted 150 Miles North" / BP EarthWatch / Paul Begley
By Revelation Watchers. 🔔 Revelation Watchers Special Alert! 🔔Last night’s Sunday Night Live was an unforgettable broadcast! Pastor Paul Begley was joined by BP Earthwatch to discuss breaking news that could change everything: the Earth has physically tilted 150 miles! This shocking report, confirmed by meteorologists in France, is raising alarms across the globe. BP Earthwatch broke it all down, explaining the implications of this shift and how it aligns with biblical prophecy in Isaiah 24.